The Russian company “Gazprom Neft” became the Company’s shareholder, pursuant to the interstate Sales Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Russian Federation on Purchasing 51% of the shares.
By following its strategy towards becoming the regional leader, NIS started to expand its business rapidly in the regional market as well. Subsidiary companies were established in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania, and the Company’s branch office in Brussels was opened to provide assistance in Serbia’s European integrations.
NIS became a public company with the highest number of shareholders (nearly five million) listed on the
Belgrade Stock Exchange. Consequently NIS became the largest “blue chip” company listed on the Belgrade Stock Exchange.
The NIS Board of Directors adopted a long-term NIS Development Strategy for the Balkans by 2020 for the first time in the Company’s history. The Company’s main strategic goal by 2020 is to become the most efficient, fastest-growing energy company in the Balkans, maintaining its leadership position on the Serbian market and becoming one of the top three companies in the Southeaster Europe.
The construction of the hydrocracking and hydrotreatment facility at the Pančevo Oil Refinery was completed, marking the completion of the first stage of modernisation of NIS refining facilities.