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NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad constantly updates the information posted on its web sites. Nevertheless, it may so happen that data meanwhile change. Therefore, NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad may not assume liability or warrant the relevance, accuracy and completeness of information contained on this web site, as it is for reference purposes only, consequently the company shall not be deemed liable for any possible consequences that may arise due to a different interpretation of the materials contained on our Internet site. The same principle applies to any other web sites, which are referred to by hyperlinks. You log onto these web sites at your own risk. NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad shall not be liable for the content of these web sites.
Any liability of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad is excluded (including due to negligence) for either damages or consequential damage arising by reference to the content of the site or due to its use (or inability to refer to it or use it).
All information available on this Internet presentation is solely for reference and should not be used or distributed to third parties for commercial purposes.