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NIS is the only company in Serbia engaged in the exploration and production of oil and gas.
Most of the NIS’ oil deposits are in Serbia, but the Company carries out exploratory works in Romania and Bosnia and Herzegovina as well.
Exploration and Production Block operates an Elemir-based plant for the preparation of natural gas, production of LPG and natural gasoline and CO2 capture, which has a design capacity of 65,000 tonnes of LPG and natural gasoline per year. In Elemir, there is also the Amine natural gas processing plant, in which HiPACT (High Pressure Acidgas Capture Technology) is applied. The Elemir-based plant is the first HiPACT plant in Europe, and the gas processing method completely prevents carbon dioxide emissions into the air.
In all business segments, NIS is committed to continuous technological development and introduction of innovation in its operation, so modernization is one of the priorities in the exploration and production segment. In the field of exploration and production, scientific and technological support is provided by the subsidiary company NTC NIS-Naftagas Ltd. Novi Sad.