Board of Directors of NIS has appointed Kirill Tyurdenev to the position of Chief Executive Officer of the company

March 24, 2017

Kirill Tyurdenev, new CEO of “NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad” Kirill Kravchenko will continue executing his functions of the Deputy CEO of Gazprom Neft for international asset management and will broaden his mandate in the Board of Gazprom Neft: he will now be in charge of enhancing the efficiency of operations and implementing a comprehensive operational management system. Nonetheless being a Board member of NIS, mister Kravchenko will keep taking active part in resolving strategic issues of NIS development employing the extensive accumulated expertise of managing the Serbian asset of Gazprom Neft. In compliance with the established corporate governance practice, the Board of Directors of "NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad" has overall charge of the company, is responsible for strategic management, business strategy and business goals of NIS. The Chief Executive Officer appointed by the Board from amongst executive Board members coordinates the activities of executive members of the Board and organizes company's activity. CEO works on a day-to-day management of the company and is authorized to make decisions in the areas beyond the scope of the General Shareholders' Assembly and Board of Directors. Chairman of NIS Board of Directors, First Deputy CEO of Gazprom Neft Vadim Yakovlev has stated: “During Kirill Kravchenko's tenure as the CEO of NIS, the company dramatically improved efficiency of its business operations and expanded its presence in the region; NIS has become a leader in implementing best HSE practices, the experience that will be of great benefit to Gazprom Neft since we see enhancement of our operational efficiency as a crucial task. NIS shareholders have highest regard for achievement of the management of the company: despite complicated macroeconomic conditions, NIS is showing positive dynamics of its key operational and financial results and occupies leading positions in the core markets of the Balkan region. On behalf of shareholders, let me express my firm belief that professional competence of Kirill Tyurdenev will assure succession and sustainability of NIS development aimed at improvement of business efficiency and transformation of the company into a strategic player of the Balkan energy market”. Board member of NIS, Deputy CEO of Gazprom Neft for international assets management Kirill Kravchenko highlighted: "I am proud of the results NIS attained during my tenure as CEO. NIS has come a long way for 8 years from a local company to a serious international player of energy markets. I will remain engaged in strategic issues of NIS development in the capacity of the Board member and will provide the new CEO with the required expertise. I strongly believe that in the person of Kirill Tyurdenev the company acquires an efficient and experienced manager capable of successfully meeting all challenges our company faces and resolving ambitious tasks pertaining to implementation of major investment projects of NIS." Reference: Kirill Tyurdenev was born on April 19, 1977. He graduated with honors from Moscow State Institute of International Relations with a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and an MA in International Law. Tyurdenev holds an LL.M from Manchester University and completed executive education programs in INSEAD and London Business School. From 2000 to 2004 Tyurdenev worked for A.T. Kearney and Unilever, in 2004 joined McKinsey & Co. From 2007 to 2012 he worked for Sibur Mineral Fertilizers as Deputy CEO for Strategy and Corporate Development. From 2012 Tyurdenev served as Executive Vice President and Board member in Sistema investment holding, and later as President and Board Chair in United Petrochemical Company within the Sistema holding. Before joining NIS he occupied the position of the Chairman of the Board in Ufaorgsintez. In April 2016 Tyurdenev joined "NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad" as First Deputy CEO for Refining and Sales. On December 8, 2016, he became a Board of Directors member, and on March 22, 2017 was appointed CEO of "NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad".