By Participating in Easter Charity Campaign “Love Cures All“ NIS Collected 6 000 EUR za NURDOR

April 18, 2012

In the charity campaign to collect donations for the National Association of Parents of Children with Cancer (NURDOR), which lasted from 9 to 12 April, NIS collected 6,000 euros. All funds raised will be used for adaptation and furnishing of a house in the city of Niš, which will serve as a home for the children undergoing the treatment of the serious illnesse, as well as for their parents while staying with the children in the city. For the money donated each NIS employee was presented with an Easter gingerbread egg, or with some other appropriate gift as a token of appreciation for a good deed and shown solidarity. As one of its charity projects, and through this particular campaign NIS wanted to raise awareness about social and corporate responsibility that a company can demonstrate through its charity projects.