Emir Kusturica’s First Autumn Theatre Festival with the Support of NIS held on 19 and 20 November in Mećavnik

November 14, 2016

By establishing the Autumn Theatre Festival under the motto "The Tree that Life Is”, our famous director rounds up his idea that every season should have its festival with which Mećavnik fulfils its purpose of gathering young artists. "My desire is to convert Mećavnik more and more into a cultural institution, and the idea that every season should have its festival is actually a dream come true about the purpose of this area, similar to Andrićgrad. The intention of this house or this enthusiasm has been directed at creating and strengthening the health of the world as much as possible without excessive ambitions, because the world is changing with big shocks and big changes. And this is a quiet work on these hills that have until recently been a God-forgotten place, and now suddenly the greatest artists of the world frequent it, "- said Emir Kusturica announcing the Theatre Festival. The first evening of the Autumn Theatre Festival will feature the Faculty of Drama Arts in Belgrade and Cultural Facility "Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic" with the play "Molding - The Tragedy of Ball Games Among the Serbs,” by Strahinja Madžarević directed by Maksima Milosevic. On the second day of the festival, the Faculty of Arts in Kosovska Mitrovica will perform the play "Pleu Strindberg," by Friedrich Durrenmatt directed by Jovica Pavic. Mećavnik audience will be among the first in Serbia to be able to see the latest performance of Atelje 212. Only a few days after its Belgrade premiere, "Children of Joy" by Milena Marković, directed by Snežana Trišić, will close the autumn theatre festival. The selection of the festival was entrusted to the young director Milan Nešković who has had a number of successful and award-winning performances on the stages of the most prominent theatres in Serbia. In addition to the performances, workshop in theatre direction will be held during the day while in the evening hours of 19 November band Extra 5 will give a concert. The autumn Theatre Festival, with winter Kustendorf, spring Book Fair and the summer Bolshoi Music Festival, closes the annual cycle of the Emir Kusturica’s festival.