Energy of Knowledge at the Second International Oil and Gas Forum in Moscow

September 27, 2017

The conference gathering over 70 students of 42 universities from 38 countries was an opportunity for NIS to present its Energy of Knowledge corporate programme for the first time. Energy of Knowledge Programme Manager Snežana Lakićević, PhD spoke about the programme as part of the panel entitled HR Time – The Honest Talk and pointed out that NIS is committed to investing in young staff and improving the educational system as the backbone of development. After the end of the International Forum, a formal reception was organised at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Moscow Marko Vanić, Scientific Research Project Manager at NIS, spoke at the panels on geophysics Career Pathways Fair and panel session Energy Transformation: The Map of the Future, presenting the activities of the corporate Science and Technology Centre aimed at developing new technologies and the importance of scientific research in industry. As part of the plenary session Quality of Education: New Opportunities and International Initiatives, Vanić also spoke about the results of the recently completed traineeships of NIS scholarship holders and an individual approach of formulating a special traineeship plan. NIS scholarship holders studying at the Gubkin University shared their experiences and the importance of know-how acquired during the traineeship at the company. They took the opportunity to thank their mentors for their professional approach and help in extending their knowledge and scope of interests. They also expressed their gratitude to NIS for recognising their potential and talent and providing them with higher education and secure jobs after they get their degrees. During the forum, a meeting was also held with the International Relations Vice Chancellor of the Gubkin University and with the Dean of the Tashkent Branch Alexander Maximenko, who spoke highly of the results of NIS scholarship holders and found the Energy of Knowledge programme to be an excellent example of good practice and a model to be followed by any socially responsible company. After the end of the International Forum, a formal reception was organised at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Moscow, where NIS scholarship holders once again had an opportunity to present the programme, this time to His Excellence, Ambassador Slavenko Terzić. The reception highlighted historical links between Serbia and Russia and the cooperation between NIS and Gazprom Neft, noting in particular the importance of education of NIS scholarship holders and NIS's contribution to increasing the quotas of scholarships awarded by the Russian Federation to students from Serbia.