First Belgrade performance by Russian Pyatnitsky Ensemble, NIS support

June 10, 2016

Sava Centre will host 16 June a performance of Russian folk songs and dances by the Pyatnitsky Ensemble, which will be supported by NIS. The concert was announced in a press conference by Nadezhda Kushchenkova, Director of Belgrade Russian Centre, Sanja Lubardić, Director of NIS Public Relations and Communication, and Sava Centre officials. The Pyatnitsky Ensemble is one of Russia’s most famous art groups, whose repertoire includes folk songs and dances so it is regarded as a treasury of Russian art and tradition. The ensemble, which accordingly bears the title of “National Treasure,” consists of a choir, an orchestra and a dance group. The Pyatnitsky Ensemble was established back in 1911 and it rose to prominence during the Second World War, when they performed as part of the front line concert brigades of the Red Army. In the victorious 1945, the choir held a concert on the staircase of the newly liberated Reichstag building in Berlin. As the general sponsor of the concert, NIS is supporting cultural projects in Serbia and strengthening of traditional friendly ties between Serbia and Russia.