Language Laboratory Opened in Novi Sad with NIS Support

January 25, 2016

At the Jovan Popović elementary school, bilingual education was introduced in the academic year 2014/2015 The language laboratory was fully refurbished and equipped with furniture and IT equipment owing to NIS’ funds, for the purposes of organizing and conducting bilingual, Serbian-Russian, education from the third grade upwards. In 2014 NIS had equipped the bilingual classroom in the first and second grades, but as the number of children attending classes presented in Serbian and Russian increased, the need arose for additiona learning spaces. The language laboratory was fully refurbished and equipped with furniture and IT equipment owing to NIS’ funds At the Jovan Popović elementary school, bilingual education was introduced in the academic year 2014/2015 for first and second year students totalling 37. Today, there are as many as 56 students in bilingual classes. “Knowledge is one of the basic needs of the modern world, and children in bilingual classes will finish their elementary education with the knowledge of at least two world languages. For years NIS has been supporting and encouraging school and university projects in Serbia; this is why we are delighted to help both the start and the process of bilingual education at this school,“ Andrey Shibanov said in a statement. The adaptation of the language laboratory and the blilingual education support are implemented as part of the NIS programme Energy of Knowledge The adaptation of the language laboratory and the blilingual education support are implemented as part of the NIS programme Energy of Knowledge, intended for the collaboration between the company and the educational and scientific institutions.