NIS and University of Belgrade Continue Cooperation

October 14, 2015

NIS CEO Kirill Kravchenko and the Rector of the University of Belgrade MD PhD Vladimir Bumbaširević signed today a Memorandum of Further Cooperation between the Company and the University in the area of education, research and knowledge exchange Further cooperation between NIS and the University of Belgrade will help better connect scientific work with NIS business activities, through organisation of internships in the Company, visiting lectures given by NIS experts at the University, and also through tuition, training, professional counselling and joint participation in the projects within the EU Funding. NIS and the University of Belgrade have been cooperating since 2000. Moreover, the Company also cooperates with nine faculties within the University (Faculty of Mining and Geology, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Transport and Traffic Engineering, Physics, Philology and Medicine). On the initiative of NIS, at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, the study programme Oil and Gas Engineering, and also the module Oil and Gas Geology at Master studies have been modified and accredited, thus creating the conditions to educate future engineers for the needs of the industry and NIS itself. NIS and the University of Belgrade have been cooperating since 2010 NIS has been developing cooperation with educational and scientific institutions within the programme Energy of Knowledge. Furthermore, in 2013, the Company signed Tuition Contracts with 16 students of the Faculty of Mining and Geology. Apart from financial support, summer internships and language learning, the scholarship programme also includes the possibility to obtain employment in NIS following completion of studies within the regular study period. The first scholar from the Faculty started working in NIS in 2014, and the Company is planning to employ more of the best students by the end of 2015.