NIS applies latest technologies in all areas of its work

November 16, 2012

Daily newspaper "Danas"

The „Danas“ daily reported on business operations and modernization of NIS with highly positive way regarding to its latest technologies in all areas of business. A special focus was on the new modernisation oil refinery Rafinerija nafte Pančevo, which now produces Euro 5-standard fuel. Modernisation of equipment for transporting derivatives from the refinery is part of a strategy of NIS to assume the leading position in the region. The articles also report on the modernisation of equipment and preparation of new technologies in the area of oil services, which will enable higher efficiency of NIS, higher market competitiveness and expansion of business engagement primarily in the region and the EU. The article also reports on NIS’ modern system of payment with a fuel card, new three-colour brand, which guarantees quality, computerised filling stations.