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This is the third time that NIS has been the general sponsor of the Festival This is the third time that NIS has been the general sponsor of the Festival which has gathered nearly 600 scientists and science demonstrators this year, aiming to promote the importance of science and scientific discovery, and to introduce the youngest researchers to the world of science. “Natural gas” is the title of the educational and interactive set-up presenting NIS at this year’s Science Festival. The set-up is the result of collaboration between the Secondary Schools of Geology and Hydrometeorology and the Faculty of Mining and Geology. During the four days of the Festival, visitors will have the opportunity to learn more about this important energy carrier in theme-oriented workshops, focusing on its composition, use, importance, and exploitation methods, as well as on the transport of gas to the users. As part of the experimental segment of the set-up, all those interested will also have the opportunity to take pictures of themselves with the flame from burning methane foam, which is the basic component of natural gas. “Natural gas” is the title of the educational and interactive set-up presenting NIS at this year’s Science Festival NIS has once again recognized the potential of the Festival of Science as a scientific exhibition presenting the world of science in a special, accessible way – through fun, games, and interaction with the audience. As one of the leading energy companies in the region, NIS relies in all its areas of business activity on the application of new technologies and innovations. In line with the slogan “Future at Work”, NIS supports projects and initiatives aimed to develop science and contribute to scientific discovery. As part of the experimental segment of the set-up, all those interested will also have the opportunity to take pictures of themselves with the flame from burning methane foam, which is the basic component of natural gas.