NIS awarded diplomas to the Russian language course students in Zrenjanin

March 20, 2013

On the occasion of the finishing of the four-month Russian language studying project, which was implemented by the Society of Serbian-Russian Friendship from Zrenjanin, a ceremonial diploma award was organized for 40 students. NIS supported this program aiming to promote the Russian language, аnd the diplomas were awarded by the NIS representative, Mr. OskarToth, Director of the NAFTAGAS Technical Services l.l.c. This initiative support, launched by the Society of Serbian-Russian Friendship is one of the many achieved in Zrenjanin, representing а segment of the socially responsible business – the Cooperation for Development. The goal of this corporate program is to assist all the municipalities where NIS has signed cooperation agreements, through a split of the funds for the project financing in different fields.