NIS Awarded for Social Responsibility

October 1, 2014

During the previous 12 months, NIS supported a number of cultural and entertainment events throughout Serbia and in 2013,, only within the "Cooperation for Development" program, almost a million euro was donated to local communities. NIS provided aid to both civilians and institutions during the May floods in Serbia, and a number of sports clubs and associations are active owing to aid of this company alone. "It is a great honour that, beside the business development, NIS is also recognized for its influence on social development. We will continue translating our goodwill into good deeds, striving to become an even better partner to our local community. This award is a strong incentive for us to continue pursuing this course of action", said Ms Sanja Lubardić, the Director of the External Communications Department of NIS, at the award hand-over ceremony. "My Choice" awards program for social responsibility is organized by "My Serbia" Association, under the patronage of the City of Belgrade, including support of the Office of the National Assembly Deputy Speaker, Mr Vladimr Marinković, Ph.D., as well as the Chamber of Commerce of Belgrade.