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The NIS Company has taken part in education workshops entitled “Knowledge Hits Target” set up by Belgrade Employment Council to facilitate Belgrade University students’ job search and completion of professional practice. Within its «Power of Knowledge» programme NIS showcased what it accomplished in cooperating with scientific and educational institutions in Serbia, as well as in “NIS Chance” and “Student Practice” programmes set up by the company to support the recruitment of inexperienced young experts and educational institutions’ undergraduates. Snežana Lakićеvić, NIS Liaison Officer for educational and scientific institutions, has elaborated on the concept of «Power of Knowledge» corporate programme pointing out the importance of NIS pooling efforts with educational institutions seeking to support education and training of professionals to make them fit to operate in the company to ensure its sustainable development. The workshop participants used an interactive dialogue with NIS HR experts Bojana Sajlović and Maja Jusufоvić to find out more about the programmes entitled “NIS Chance“ and “Student Practice” “The NIS Company seeks to change awareness of the employment of the young, as well as to accommodate its requirements in recruitment of professional staff, thus making strides in the labour market, which recognised it as a region’s leader. So, it is pivotal for students to heavily invest in their own education”, Snežana Lakićеvić pointed out. Throughout the four years of the “Power of Knowledge” programme more than 90 best ranking students in the Universities of Novi Sad and Belgrade have benefitted from it by gaining the company’s scholarship, while 16 out of them upon graduation made their first professional steps in NIS. Snežana Lakićеvić, NIS Liaison Officer for educational and scientific institutions, has elaborated on the concept of «Power of Knowledge» corporate programme pointing out the importance of NIS pooling efforts with educational institutions The workshop participants used an interactive dialogue with NIS HR experts Bojana Sajlović and Maja Jusufоvić to find out more about the programmes entitled “NIS Chance“ and “Student Practice” that have been carried out by the company for many y ears now, as well as to get professional consultation as to how to join the company’s team, as it is given credit as Serbia’s most desirable employer. Bojana Sajlović explained that NIS development programmes catering to young experts have significantly promoted technical sciences among youth which is reflected in an upsurge in applications for entrance exams at university departments that are partners with NIS. Маја Jusufоvić gave credit to “NIS Chance” programme for helping 700 young experts to gain their first professional experience in NIS, with more than 450 students involved in “Student Practice” programme in 2013. She pointed out that investing in the development of attendees both over the course of the programmeа and upon its completion and subsequent work in the company is the essence of the concept envisaging constant learning and improvement that the company aims for. As a socially responsible company, under its corporate motto “Future is Now”, by investing in educational system NIS supports initiatives seeking to improve and develop professional staff, thus facilitating the development of the community, where it operates.