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Daily newspаper „ Danas“
NIS Company and Universities from Belgrade and Novi Sad have renewed their cooperation for third year in a row, by signing an Agreement which purpose is the transfer of knowledge, research development and strengthening of the links between the education and economy. As it was stated from NIS, the program includes activities in the sphere of education, as well a knowledge exchange which, on one side includes additional specialization and acquirement of new knowledge for NIS’s employees at the Universities and transfer of practical knowledge to the students and professors of the Universities in behalf of NIS’s experts on the other side. Similar to previous two years, in course of an Agreement on Cooperation there will be scholarships for the best students at these two Universities, program of expert practice and numerous drills, trainings, workshops, field classes and classical lectures. Apart from that, Agreement also includes cooperation in the field of creating joint research thesis, elaborates and projects. “Cooperation between NIS and Universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad is of an extreme importance for both, the company and the community in general since today’s modern business cannot be comprehended without a narrow bond with science or without a constant improvement of knowledge and skills of the employees. We recognize new ideas and support exchange of experiences and knowledge. During 2011, NIS invested almost RSD13 million in partnerships with Universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad. Value of this year’s cooperation between NIS and Universities has been increased for almost double the amount, respectively it is RSD22.5 million while Company will give another RSD213 million for specialization of their employees, Kirill Kravchenko, Managing Director in NIS stated.