NIS employees supported opening of Parental house in Belgrade

February 27, 2014

As this kind of treatment is a lengthy hospital procedure the Parental Home is a chance for children to stay together with their parents as long as needed, which will make their recovery more pleasant and effective. National Association of Parents of Cancer-Affected Children set up this Home with NIS’ substantial assistance. This charitable activity jointly carried out by the company and its staffers raised funds for similar institutions across Serbia in Belgrade, Niš and Novi Sad; the funds ensured the procurement of required medical devices: laminar flow chamber for preparation of cytostatic therapy, infusion syringe pumps, as well as additional equipment aimed at make easier the treatment and convalescence of children suffering from malign diseases. All these devices and equipment are intended for Serbia’s Oncology and Radiology Institute, Children Internal Diseases Clinic in the city of Niš, Children University Clinic, Institute for Health Care of Children and Youth in Vojvodina, as well as the “Dr. Vukan Čupić“ Institute for Mother and Infant Health care.