NIS Marks Environment Day by Environmental Campaign in National Park “Fruška Gora”

June 5, 2017

An environmental campaign was organised at the National Park “Fruška Gora” to mark 5 June, World Environment Day by cleaning up the streams of Fruška Gora. The campaign entitled “Working Day for Nature” gathered over 100 representatives of NIS, Secretariat for Urban Planning and Environmental Protection of Vojvodina Province, PE “National Park Fruška Gora” and Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, who jointly cleaned up the area at the springs of Rakovac, Dobočaš and Điros Streams. The campaign is aimed at raising environmental awareness and bringing about a more responsible attitude towards the environment, waterways in particular, given the fact that the streams of Fruška Gora are important ecological corridors linking Fruška Gora with the rivers of Sava and Danube. The campaign entitled “Working Day for Nature” gathered almost 100 representatives of NIS, Secretariat for Urban Planning and Environmental Protection of Vojvodina Province, PE “National Park Fruška Gora” and Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province A responsible attitude towards water resources is one of the priorities of NIS in terms of environmental protection, and investment in environmental protection is one of the Company's main priorities. NIS cares about environmental protection through various projects aimed at strict compliance with the highest environmental standards, efficient and responsible use of available resources, increase in energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources. Activities and results of NIS in the field of environmental protection have constantly been improved with a view to raising the environmental awareness of individuals and the entire community. World Environment Day is marked to make the public aware of the need to preserve the environment. This year's theme is connecting people to nature under the slogan “I'm with Nature”.