NIS opened the most modern oil workers training centre in the region in Elemir

September 4, 2019

It is a unique complex equipped with modern equipment, in which the training is carried out under realistic conditions, with the ability to simulate all tasks that oil workers face in the process of oil and gas production, preparation and shipment. In addition to NIS’ employees, the training is planned to be provided to students of schools and colleges specialized for the oil industry, which would allow NIS, as a socially responsible company, to further improve the conditions for education and professional development of not only our current employees, but future oil workers in our Country as well. In this way, professional competencies of employees will be further improved, and work efficiency and safety in the process of oil and gas production will be increased. At the Centre in Elemir, training will be conducted by the most experienced NIS experts, who will share their knowledge and experience with the participants. The ceremony in Elemir was attended by representatives of Serbian Government, Čedomir Janjić, Mayor of Zrenjanin, representatives of academic community and educational institutions, representatives of Company’s management, as well as scholarship holders within Energy of Knowledge, NIS’ program for cooperation with scientific and educational institutions. Anamarija Viček, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, pointed out efforts of Serbian Government to keep young professionals in Serbia, along with continuous development of education system and lifelong learning. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank NIS, i.e. Energy of Knowledge project, which greatly supported our efforts, our aspirations and our goals. Without that support we would not have succeeded. In addition, it is important that young people are given a chance to get a job in Serbia, in their home country, immediately after graduation, which is something that we also advocate. This training centre is an extremely important step in the development of education. Work on dual education, on enabling high-school and university students to gain practical knowledge as well, is extremely important to us, and it is also extremely important that their learning process is safe”, said Anamarija Viček. Srđаn Dragišić, Director of NIS Production Department, pointed out that the work of oil industry workers is demanding and that they face many challenges. “NIS, as the only domestic company engaged in oil and gas exploration and production, wants to provide all current and future oil workers in Serbia with the best possible training conditions. With the opening of the Training Centre in Elemir, which is the most modern in the region, we lay a solid foundation for education and practical training of our workers. We also want our future employees, students of high schools and universities that we cooperate with, to be trained here, so they can start their professional careers prepared for the challenges ahead of them”, said Dragišić. Danijela Kralus, a NIS scholarship holder who, after graduating in the Russian Federation, has been employed by the Company as a junior specialist for reservoir development, underlined the importance of quality education and professional development for young professionals in Serbia. “NIS’ Training Centre in Elemir is a great example of supporting young professionals to build on their knowledge in practice, which is very important, especially at the beginning of their careers. I am very grateful to NIS for trusting in me and my colleagues and providing us with the best conditions for further professional development. I am convinced that this trust will be justified by our future work”, said Danijela Kralus. Following the opening of the Training Centre, a training was held during which the real operation of the oil field well was simulated. NIS will invest around two million euros in the Training Centre in Elemir. This Centre has state-of-the-art technology for teaching and training, and consists of two parts – a training area with two production wells that use technical water instead of fluid, and a classroom equipped with state-of-the-art computer simulators. The classroom has 30 seats and is equipped with 15 computers and 5 simulators. It is planned that about 150 trainees will undergo training over a year. The trainings will be carried out with maximum safety and under realistic conditions, with the ability to simulate all tasks and challenges that employees face in the process of oil and gas production, preparation and shipment.