NIS Organised an International HR Conference on Compensations and Benefits

February 12, 2016

The event was organised in cooperation with CTeam and styled as an international fashion show of new trends. The representatives of Hay Group (Greece), CTeam (Romania), PwC (Russia) and EPSI (Russian) presented the international trends of compensations and benefits in the global, regional and local market in 2016 to over 80 representatives of Serbian companies and employees in NIS' HR Department. The need that companies have to recognize different expectations and drivers of different generations, to define C&B priorities from the top management perspective and to recognize the growing importance of non-material drivers with the aim of attracting and retaining the best employees was underlined. The speakers presented the international trends of compensations and benefits in the global, regional and local market in 2016 to over 80 representatives of Serbian companies and NIS' employees. The second part of the conference was dedicated to the analysis of the existing reward and motivation systems from different perspectives and the analysis of C&B concepts for the next 5-10 years. The conference participants tried out the roles of innovative designers adapting the existing compensation tools and systems to the future business needs and specific turbulent markets. The conference titled 2016 Comp & Ben was held in the Business Centre in Belgrade The participants took this opportunity to exchange experience and good practise examples, see global trends and establish new contacts among experts in this field. The conference significantly contributed to improving and modernizing the existing knowledge in the field of designing motivational and competitive system of compensations and benefits. The participants took this opportunity to exchange experience and good practise examples As the first conference held in late 2014, this conference also received very good response and positive reactions of the participants. NIS once again proved to be a good host and leading company in Serbia in introducing innovations.