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With the intention to provide the highest standard of safety for its employees, today in NIS Business Center in Novi Sad, NIS organized for the first time a public exhibition of personal protective equipment In addition to the management and employees of NIS. This showroom was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Work and Social Affairs – Directorate for Safety and Occupational Health, of the Provincial Work Secreteriate, several Institutes and Educational Institutions from the area of Occupational Health, as well as of leasing companies. The stands exhibited PPE from all companies which submitted their bids in the open tender announced by NIS. The total of 10 bidders were present, most of which are manufacturers. The value of this procurement is around two million euros. This type of procurement is significant since it shall provide the best quality of PPE for the employees in NIS, and at the same time positively affect the production of this quality of equipment in Serbia and further development of this industry. A representative of the Directorate for Safety and Occupational Health, Isa Vlahovljak, welcomed the attendees and pointed out that the Directorate supports all efforts of NIS, as a responsible company, to raise the level of awarness of its employees related to the significance of the measures and activities undertaken in this area and to provde the highest possible level of safety standards. After such a transparent overview off all exhibited offers, the tender committee of NIS shall decide on the selection of the most favorable bid of PPE for 2012. As a part of this exhibition specialists from NIS also gave a presentation with the topic: “Personal Protective Equipment in NIS a.d. – Best Practicies“, by which they presented to all visitors the policy of the company in this area of business operation and about the positive effects that have already been achieved. Successful application of preventative measures in NIS led to the significant decrease in the number of work related injuries and off all types of incidents, year after year. By comparing 2010 and 2011 we can conclude that the number of work related injuries decreased for 26 percent, the number of traffic accidents decreased for up to 71 percent, while the number of environmental accidents fell for 24 percent. - - - Additional information Being a responsible company, NIS secures healthy and safe working environments, striving to achieve the zero risk for its employees, contractors and third parties. One of the most significant elements in creating a healthy and safe work environment is the provision of high quality personal protective equipment. According to legal regulations, an employer is obligated to secure for its emploeyees personal protective equipment which apply the prescribed measures of safety and occupational health. In compliance with the law NIS developed its own procedures of providing PPE for its employees. NIS has also, with the purpose of securing safety development, adopted several documents regulating this area, which, together with the engagement of everyone in the Company, contributes to the work environment being more and more safe day after day. In order to enable more efficient organization of implementation of Safety and Occupational Health Measures, certain oranizational units of NIS have received certificates on introduction of Safety and Occupational Health Management in compliance with the requirements of the staandard SRPS OHSAS 18001:2008. This has once more confirmed that the Company implements its activites in the area of exploration and production of crude and gas, as well as for the implementation of its accompanying services in safe manner with the application of all measures related to risk mitigation. These OHSAS certificates confirm the lasting commitment of the company to enable its employees to work in healthy and safe environments, with elimination or maximum mitigation of risks from health hazards and endangering of the safety of people, equipment and facilities. NIS continiously improves the manners in which it contribuest to the local community and the country, as well as how it implements proactive measures in order to prevent or mitigate negative effects upon the working environment and environment.