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The conference organized by NIS with the support of the companies “Infostud” and “PricewaterhouseCoopers”, in addition to the representatives of the company, brought together more than 250 experts who had one common goal – development of the HR community through the exchange of experiences and examples of good practice and connecting of people who are professionally engaged in this business. The Conference brought together more than 250 experts The conference was opened by Nataša Stamenković, HR Director of NIS, who expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the conference was attended by a large number of HR experts. - Following the current developments in the labour markets in the region and in Serbia, we have established that various professional gatherings are regularly organized in the HR segment all around us, but only some minor events in Serbia. For that reason, we have decided to organize a conference which could not be attended in the region, and that is a theme conference which, in our case, relates solely to the topic of selection and recruitment. We are here to exchange experiences and to get to know each other. I am happy to see a lot of new people, which means that HR in Serbia has its future – said Nataša Stamenković. The conference was opened by Nataša Stamenković, HR Director of NIS The representatives of the companies “Linkedin” , “Infostud” and the National Employment Service at the conference presented the relevant information from their research and experience regardng the situation and requirements in the global, regional and local market in the segment of labour and employment. A panel discussion was organized within the scope of the conference where the following topics were considered: “Assessment in the selection process – new trends; recruitment through the social media and Employer Branding. After the panel discussion which aroused great interest of the attendees, the conference participants exchanged the examples of good practice from their experience, in accordance with global trends.