NIS presents 2013 Sustainability Report

July 10, 2014

NIS presented its 2013 Sustainability Report, prepared in line with the standards of the leading international organisation in the area of economic sustainability, Global Reporting Initiative. The report, verified by the independent auditor KPMG, received a "B+" rating. Compared to the 2012 Report, the Company has made progress, since it improved its reporting transparency. The number of indicators has increased from 41 in the previous Report to 48. NIS is the first company in Serbia which, for four years in a row, has been regularly reporting to all stakeholders on the important aspects of its business operations by means of an open dialogue. The Company thus wishes to foster long-term partner relations with a view to creating a better, high-quality environment. The Sustainability Report includes the achievements which in 2013, apart from the Company's development, were focused on improving the community life quality through economic, cultural and social development. The Report was presented at the NIS traditional forum, which hosted five round tables, where not only the Company's representatives, but also the representatives of the ministries, public institutions, Belgrade and Novi Sad Universities, non-governmental organisations, petroleum associations, the biggest companies in Serbia, as well as the media representatives participated. The following topics were discussed at the round tables: • NIS human resources policy development • NIS sustainable development and social responsibility strategy • Resource management in the area of health, safety and environmental protection • NIS practice in working with consumers and partners • The Company's youth-focused programs Download the full report from the corporate web site: For further information about corporate reporting standards visit: