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NIS performance results in the first half of 2016 were presented to experts in attendance by Anton Fyodorov, Director of Function for Finance, Economy, Planning and Accounting According to data presented to investors on the occasion, a RSD 3.1 billion net profit was posted despite low price of crude on the global market. It was said that majority of operational indices were a success, as for example the sales of oil products, which increased by 6 per cent, as well as that the overall oil and gas refining volume went up by 16 per cent in comparison with the same period previous year. Fyodorov pointed out that the NIS Group has continued its successful implementation of the operational efficiency increase programme across-the-board, its effect in the first half of 2016 amounting to RSD 4.4 billion dinars, claiming that the forthcoming period shall see the continuation of operational efficiency increase measures, retail chain development and diversification of power generation business. Following his presentation, director of Function for Finance, Economy, Planning and Accounting took numerous questions from experts in attendance.