NIS Provides Scholarships for Five Serbian Students in Russia

August 28, 2013

NIS is providing scholarship for five Serbian students at prestigious universities in Russia which specialize in the education in the field of oil and gas. Petar Rajić from Srpski Itebej, Sofija Šoškić from Kraljevo and Ivan Savić from Valjevo, scholars of NIS, left for Moscow yesterday for a five-year education. - This project is being realized as part of the agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development for educating Serbian citizens at Russian Universities at state budget cost. NIS is a company which has been intensively developing in the last few years and it is of great interest for the best to work at the Company. In order to achieve this, we are trying to recognize the most talented students in the field of natural sciences and Russian language in order to invest in them and renew the Company staff. For this reason NIS initiated this project and selected five top students from Serbia, three of whom left for Moscow yesterday where they will attend the Russian State University for Oil and Gas Gupkin – the most prestigious and best school in the field of oil and gas exploration with two more scholars to follow next week to the National Mineral-raw material University Gorni in St. Petersburg. NIS will invest in the following five years in the education and scholarship of these young people, organize summer practical studies at the Company and provide medical insurance. If any of the scholars wishes to continue education and attend master studies, the Company will support and sponsor them, says Tatjana Zajac from Training and Development at NIS. - I couldn't decide for a long time what to study. I deliberated on civil and electrical engineering, when NIS contacted me, and told me they would like to give me a scholarship. This happened suddenly and was the right solution. Only when I got this chance did I realize how much I was interested in working in the industry on such large-scale projects, says nineteen year old Sofija Šoškić from Kraljevo. During their first year in Russia, the scholars will study at a preparatory school or attend “year zero” and during this time study Russian, physics, mathematics, chemistry and technical drafting. Petar Rajić, one of the scholars says he is not concerned about the difficulties because he believes they are equipped with good knowledge. - I'm not worried, I know it will be difficult, but I know I will be able to endure all that. My homeroom teacher was my physics professor and he had most influence on me to study this subject - says Ivan, with the other scholars sharing his opinion, adding that professors had most impact on their knowledge and taught them from Russian physics textbooks. - Besides the phenomenal opportunity for advancement, it means so much to me to have a guaranteed job at such a big company like NIS. I can hardly wait to return to Serbia and begin working for NIS and to transfer my knowledge to others-said Ivan Savić.