NIS Publishes 2012 Sustainability Report

July 12, 2013

NIS presented its 2012 Sustainability Report, meeting the highest international standards (Global Reporting Initiative). The B+ report was verified by an independent auditor, KMPG. The number of indicators doubled compared to the previous year, showing significant progress in our business operations. The 2012 Sustainability Report also included topics on combating corruption and industrial waste management, contributing to fully transparent reporting. On that day, NIS also held its traditional forum at which stakeholders could join five round tables and discuss the following current topics on company development: • NIS at the Stock Market – a reliable partner with investors and shareholders • New Technologies – innovation in every business activity • NIS Human Resource Policy – employees as the main resource • NIS, a Leader in Ecology, Safety and Health of its Employees • Women in a Man's Business World Representatives from the ministries, competent institutions, petroleum associations, universities from Belgrade and Novi Sad, and the media took part in the discussion at all five round tables. View the full report on our corporate website: Find out more about corporate reporting standards on: