NIS Scholarship Holders Received by Zrenjanin Mayor

August 7, 2019

Danijela Kralus and Sćepan Svorcan are NIS scholarship holders as part of the “Power of Knowledge” programme, who graduated this year from St. Petersburg University of Mining, Department of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, majoring in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. Daniella was named the best foreign student at her university in 2019. Both Danijela and Sćepan are the second generation of a total of 18 NIS scholars, who, except from the six who continue their education in master studies in Russia, will start working in our company as of September. The Mayor of Zrenjanin, Čedomir Janjić, expressed a great satisfaction with the good cooperation with the NIS company and success it yields to the city of Zrenjanin. “The NIS "Power of Knowledge" project brings results every day, from equipping our schools, classrooms in the High School, Technical and other schools, to opening an oil and gas exploration department at our Technical College. The reason we came together today is the best student at St. Petersburg University, a girl who is from Zrenjanin and who returned from Russia to Serbia and who is getting a job at NIS, just like her colleague Sćepan. I think that our children deserve the best education and that they deserve a chance to apply that knowledge in their own country, ”said Čedomir Janjić. Vadim Smirnov, Deputy CEO of NIS, said on this occasion that he was very pleased to be a part of the end of a beautiful story, started five years ago.. "I attended the presentation of diplomas to Serbian students in Moscow and St. Petersburg, including two representatives of Zrenjanin, Danijela and Scepan. Daniela was named the best student in St. Petersburg in 2019 and it was a very emotional moment when she came on stage with a Serbian flag and received her diploma. All our fellows will have jobs at the company, which means that we no longer have the need for workforce from abroad and is one of the steps towards solving the problem of young people leaving. I hope other companies will take this as an example of good collaboration. I would also like to thank the City of Zrenjanin, which always supports us, but also initiates programs, so that we have good cooperation with the Technical School and the Faculty of Engineering, and at the beginning of September we open a Training Center in Zrenjanin, the most modern of its kind, also intended for youth preparation staff, where they will be able to train and apply their knowledge, "said Vadim Smirnov. Danijela Kralus, the best foreign student at St. Petersburg Mining University, shared her experiences about her studies and acknowledged NIS for provided opportunity to study in Russia at the most prestigious college in the oil industry studies. "I come back full of impressions and consider it a great experience. I was declared the best foreign student in my college, and the preparatory year in which we learned Russian allowed us to study without difficulty, as well as to excel. The title of best student meant that I "warmed up the chair" well, but in the end it paid off. I am now looking for a job at NIS, starting in September, where I will continue to develop and be able to put into practice the knowledge I have learned, "said Daniella, and she looks forward to new challenges in further career development.. "I got the opportunity to study in Russia thanks to NIS and the Power of Knowledge program, which also provided us with additional practical knowledge during our summer internships at the company. The prerequisite for studying was not to know Russian, but we had a preparatory year, in which we mastered it, which allowed us to easily listen to lectures and take exams. In addition to the Russian language, in the preparatory year we had mathematics and physics to familiarize ourselves with the terms we used during our studies, ”explained Scepan Svorcan. NIS, in its „Power of Knowledge“ programme, provides scholarships to students in Serbia and the Russian Federation. Over 90 students have passed through the scholarship program, of which 30 scholarships have been awarded for studying at prestigious Russian universities. The first generation of NIS fellows in the Russian Federation graduated last year and eight of them are already part of the NIS team. All NIS scholarship holders receive employment at the company after completing their basic or master's studies. The Power of Knowledge programme, launched in 2012, involves collaboration with schools and scientific societies, universities and colleges in Serbia, the region and the Russian Federation, as well as individual programs - student scholarships. Scholarships are awarded for studies in Russia for: Russian State University of Oil and Gas “I. М. Gubkin ", St. Petersburg University of Mining, Tyumen Industrial University, Uhtin State Technical University and National Research State Nizhny Novgorod University" N.I. Lobachevsky ”. In January 2019, NIS signed Memoranda of Understanding with the University "I. М. Gubkin ”and St. Petersburg University of Mining, and in May 2019 with MGIMO University in Moscow. At the Mihajlo Pupin Technical Faculty in Zrenjanin, 2014/2015 school year. at the initiative of NIS, a new study program was accredited: "Industrial Engineering in Oil and Gas Exploitation" and at the Technical School in Zrenjanin in 2014 a three-year course was re-started: "Operator of oil and gas production facilities". In 2017, NIS and the Technical College of Professional Studies in Zrenjanin also signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.