NIS Starts Bio Diesel Exports on EU Terms

November 13, 2013

NIS started to export the first quantities of Euro-Diesel blended with bio-Diesel produced in its Refinery located in the city of Pančevo.

As much as 500 tons of this new produce that goes under the name of Euro-Diesel B-7 is ready to be dispatched to the first consumers in Bulgaria. This product is bio-Diesel with a percentage of a bio-component (bio-Diesel) compliant with EU standard. In less than four months NIS managed to condition the production capacities in its Refinery located in the city of Pančevo to produce Euro-Diesel blended with bio-components. The Company, thus, complied with the European Union requirement for a mandatory share of renewable-energy-sources-based fuel, which, in turn, makes this product eligible for export into the European Union market. “The completion of this project puts NIS in line with a European Union directive stipulating the minimum share of bio-Diesel and other renewable fuels on the domestic market, in compliance with the requirements set forth in the National Action Plan for Renewable Energy Sources. This document provides for bio-Diesel blending with Euro-Diesel to start in Serbia in 2015, when this product is to start being offered at the country’s refuelling stations”, said Stanka Leskovac, Director of NIS Sector for Market Research and Analysis. BS This investment to the tune of RSD 580 million comprises both the construction of new blending stations and the reconstruction of the current ones, the reconstruction of three tanks, as well as the purchase of discharge pumps and the laboratory equipment. Producing fuel with the share of bio-fuel has an environmental dimension to it, as it boosts the environment protection.