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NIS supported this year’s 51st national competition in physics for high school students which took place on 13 and 14 April in the Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade. The competition was organized by the Serbian Physicists Association and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. The manifestation represented top level competition for high school students from all over Serbia, and the final competition for high school students of the 1st and 2nd grade. More than 300 most talented students competed in physics and the best student title was won by Milan Krstajić, student of the 4th grade of the Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade. The ceremony for announcing the winner and presenting diplomas and awards to the most successful students took place in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia immediately upon completion of the competition. The ceremony was attended by Ms. Snežana Lakićević, PhD, Manager for Cooperation with Universities in NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad, who said on that occasion: -It is my great pleasure to congratulate to the best physics students in the Republic of Serbia on behalf of NIS Company. I would like to congratulate you on your great achievements. This year within the project “Energy of Knowledge” NIS has established the cooperation with the Serbian Physicists Association, Mathematical Society of Serbia, Serbian Association of Slavists and we are almost to establish the cooperation with the Serbian Chemical Society. Our objective is to support talented students who want to make a progress, advance and make great achievements because the world is full of talented children and those who can give them a chance are few. NIS as the most successful employer wants to give support to everyone and to be your partner and friend because we are united in common energy – energy of knowledge. Dear physicists, please let me admit that the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has never been prettier, younger and even smarter than today. We are expecting you on 18 and 19 May in our Company premises in Novi Sad in the Serbian Olympic Games in Physics. The national competition in physics was organized by the Serbian Physicists Association and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and the school hosting the national competition was the Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade. The best participants in the national competition in physics will compete in the Serbian Olympic Games in physics which will take place in May in NIS premises in Novi Sad, after which the best ranked participants will participate in the International Olympic Games in Physics where they will represent our country.