NIS Supports Mini Basket Festival

January 17, 2012

NIS, as the general sponsor promoted sport, health ant team spirit among the youngest generation, by supporting Mini basket Festival, which was held from 12 to 15 January, at four courts in Hall III of Belgrade Fair. This sport event for children is being held for the 12th consequtive year and bears the name of our famous national team basketball player Rajko Žižić. This year 2500 boys and girls from Serbia and the region took part, divided into 143 teams, and 224 matches were played. In addition to the energy they have put in, the children showed a significant level of skill and joy and thus once again evidenced that there is a large number of young sport talents worth investing. During the Festival, also a seminar for the trainers: "From Mini Basket to Basketball" was held. The support to the Festival was implemented as a part of the corporate program of our company - Energy of Sport.