NIS Took Part in “The Museum Night“

May 21, 2012

For the second consequtive time NIS took part in the cultural event "The Museum Night.“ For that occassion, in the business center of NIS in Novi Sad, around 700 visitors was given an opportunity to enjoy in three interesting stories that represented a kind of historic journey through the petroleum industry, but the history of art as well. In the exhibition area of the Business center in Novi Sad, a part of the company’s collection of paintings was presented under the title "Art Gems“. The exhibition presented 24 paintings of important Serbian painters, from different art periods, from expressionism of Milan Konjević, lirycs and intimacy of Ljubica Cuca Sokić and Marko Čelebonović, surrealism of Ljuba Popovića, up to the works of Beta Vukanović, Stojan Aralica, Petar Lubarda, Vera Zarić, Dušan Todorović and Mića Popović. These art works from NIS collection have been presented to the public for the first time. Also, as one of the activities for the occassion of The Museum Night in Novi Sad, the visitors had an opportunity to watch a film story about the early days of oil explorations in Serbia. At film projections held at 21 and 24 hours, at NIS Business Center the film "Pogon B“ (Plant B) from 1958 was presented. In this film main roles are played by Pavle Vuisić and Dragan Laković. This film was shot in the NIS plant of "South Banat“, so the spectators could see how oil fields and the process of exploration looked like at that time and to see a segment of the life of drilling operators. In addition to the art exhibition and film, from 18 to 02 hours, NIS also organized the night visit to the corporate Museum, owing to which all the visitors could gain a wider picture of the history of the Company and the development of the oil industry in Serbia. In these premises, opened a year and a half ago, there are documents, artifacts, tools, models presenting the chronology of events and the methods of production and refining of the "black gold“. Also one of the exhibits is one of the oldest fuel dispensers, as well as a section of the pipe taken from the refinery unit which was destructed in 1999 bombing campaign. The event of "Museum Nigth“ is organize in around 60 towns and municipalities in Serbia. NIS joined this cultural event last year intending to show to the public its traditions and corporate values, as well as the level up to which this industry has influenced the development of Vojvodina and entire Serbia. This year NIS exhibition provided an additional quality by presenting the wealth of the earth as well as the wealthof the artistic creation.