NIS traditionally at “Museum Night” – one night for fifty years’ of worth of history

May 16, 2019

This year’s “Museum Night”, sixteenth in a row, kept visitors in many cities and towns throughout Serbia awake until late hours, and once again presented a great exhibition and showed the immeasurable cultural treasure of our country. As a traditional participant in this unique cultural event, NIS proudly presented its visitors in Novi Sad and Kikinda the rich history of the company’s refinery processing and introduced them to the virtual world of oil through interactive content and interesting stories, adapted to all ages and interests. Visitors to the NIS Museum in Novi Sad had the opportunity to see a special photo exhibition prepared for the occasion of the anniversary – 50 years of exciting history of the Pančevo Oil Refinery, which provided the visitors with the opportunity to go through the historical challenges and successes of the refinery and follow the steps of creating refinery processing in Serbia, from the first primary plant to today’s modern company. Visitors also had the opportunity to get to know the interesting side of oil processing, to see how the oil route looks like in the Pančevo refinery, which petroleum products come at the end of that route, but also how branded fuels emerge or what the fuel marking technology looks like. The NIS Museum in Kikinda opened its doors to everyone who wanted to participate in a unique adventure – a virtual search for oil, achieved through a combination of state-of-the-art scientific technology from various engineering disciplines on site and in the laboratory. For the youngest visitors, NIS prepared an interesting presentation of oil and gas exploration through interactive games, with young scientists having the opportunity to master the whole process of searching for oil. NIS prepared various surprises for museum visitors, so that interested museum visitors in Novi Sad and Kikinda had the opportunity to participate in games with prizes, adapted to “small and big” visitors.