Promotion of NIS and Novi Sad University cooperation

September 26, 2017

Kirill Turdenev, CEO of NIS, and Prof. Dr. Dušan Nikolić, the Chancellor of Novi Sad University This ceremony was graced by Kirill Turdenev, CEO of  NIS, Наталья Быленок, deputy CEO and director Organisational Affairs  NIS, Andrei Shibanov, advisor to Organisational Affairs director, Dr. Snežana Lakićević, project mаnager „Power of Knowledge“, Prof. Dr. Dušan Nikolić, the Chancellor of Novi Sad University, Prof. Dr. Saša Orlović, Vice-Chancellor in charge of finance and Organisational Affairs , Prof. Dr. Biljana Abramović, Vice-Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs and Research, Prof. Dr. Rade Doroslovački, Technical Sciences Faculty Dean, Prof. Dr. Radomir Malbaša, Technological faculty dean, Prof. Dr. Dragica Radosav, “Mihajlo Pupin” Technical Faculty dean and Prof. Dr. Saša Marković, deputy dean of Pedagogical faculty and dean’s aide in charge of finance. NIS and Novi Sad University develop their cooperation  in education, research, scientific-technical base development and knowledge exchange within corporate programme NIS „Power of Knowledge“. As the company is primarily interested in coopertion and streamlining of conditions for developing natural sciences and popularisation of Russian Language, the cooperation focuses on the interaction with faculties of this sort. NIS and Novi Sad University develop their cooperation  in education, research, scientific-technical base development and knowledge exchange within corporate programme NIS „Power of Knowledge“ Within the partnership with “Mihajlo Pupin” Technical Faculty, NIS has been facilitating the implementation of an interdisciplinary curriculum entitled Oil and gas Industrial engineering, which was initiated by NIS. This curriculum is implemented in association with The Uhta state technicalим University. By this moment, as part of cooperation with this faculty, NIS outfitted an IT classroom for distance learning, as well as the physics and chemistry laboratories. With the support of the company the Guest Speaker Programme has been developed, field visits, as well as professional practice for students from Russian Federation. As part of cooperation with Technical Sciences Faculty, NIS has facilitated the outfitting and modernisation of an IT classroom, while the partnership is also implemented with Thermal power department, as well as Road Traffic Department of this faculty. The partnership with NIS enabled the outfitting of Technological faculty laboratory for classes in  Oil Processing Technology and Products of oil and scientific research within the Oil and Petrochemical Engineering curriculum. The syllabus within this curriculum has been developed in association with “N.G. Lobachevsky” State University in Nizhny Novgorod.  NIS cooperation with Novi Sad University is also implemented in association with Mathematics and Sciences faculty, whose physics laboratory was outfitted with the support of NIS. With a view to popularise and spread the Russian Language, the cooperation is also implemented with the Pedagogical faculty in the town of Sombor, specifically by way of financial support by the company provided for Russian Language lessons at that faculty, in an effort to create a highly educated pool of professors for teaching bilingual – Russian-Serbian classes that had been set up in three schools in Serbia with the support of NIS. Other than the cooperation with individual faculties, since 2009, NIS has been pooling efforts with the Fund for granting scholarships and facilitating gifted students and young scientists and artists of Novi Sad University to grant scholarships every year to the five best ranking students of the University, who study  within curricula of interest for the company. CEO of  NIS Kirill Turdenev, gave a speech at this ceremony, and stressed that: „Education is always the pivotal for any country. This is especially important at this day and age, when technological novelties spring up every day, which requires a close attention both by states and businesses. This is why NIS intends to continue its facilitation to Novi Sad University through joint projects, hoping that in the future, the graduates of this university, in their great numbers will become pivotal core of staffers in our company. There are numerous examples of this in NIS and we count on these people. This is why we would like to continue our cooperation with University in various realms and together invest in the development of young people and future generations“. The Chancellor of Novi Sad University Prof. Dr. Dušan Nikolić, for his part pointed out:  „I would like to stress that NIS and Novi Sad University have long been cooperating. The first strategic partnership agreement was signed in 2010, which was subsequently annexed to ensure the continuation of this cooperation, which provides numerous opportunities for joint action. This enabled us to organise numerous activities, such as:  Intertnational science and education festival, guest speaker program at our University featuring company experts. Other than that, every year NIS has been allocating funds to  grant scholarships to five Novi Sad University students. In addition to this, NIS   has facilitated the outfitting of our University departments’ classrooms and laboratories. In conclusion I'd like to express our gratitude to NIS for our University as an institution of immense importance not only for this company, but for the society at large “. For five years within its “Power of Knowledge” Programme the NIS Company has been cooperating with educational and scientific institutions seeking to streamline the quality of conditions for education of young experts, as well as to adapt the studies curricula to the market requirements. The Company has so far entered into 47 agreements with local and international educational and scientific institutions in the country and abroad, more than 90 students benefitting from its scholarships so far.  In 2016, NIS became Serbia’s first company, whose contribution to streamlining the quality of education was credited with the Saint Sava Award, bestowed by the Republican ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.