Pyatnitsky Ensemble Performed in Sava Center

June 17, 2016

Pyatnitsky Ensemble performed for the first time before the Serbian audience The concert stirred great interest of the audience, which followed the performance of this Russian ensemble with enchantment. The event was also attended by members of diplomatic corps diplomatique, as well as by dignitaries from economic and cultural walks of Serbia. After the spectacle, the audience was addressed by Ms. Alexandra Permyakova, Ensemble Director. She emphasized that it was very important to develop and strengthen ties of the two countries through culture, and thanked to the Russian Federation Embassy in Belgrade, Russian Center and NIS Company for their support. Pyatnitsky Ensemble is considered to be one of the most prominent global promoters of Russian traditional culture. It was founded back in 1911, and gained its popularity during the World War II, when it performed as a part of front line concert brigades of the Red Army. The Ensemble is bearer of the titles “National Treasure” and “Russian Patriot”. By rendering support to this concert of Pyatnitsky Ensemble, NIS, as a socially responsible company, continues to assist in improvement of cultural scene in Serbia. At the same time, NIS thus helps the solidification of traditionally friendly relations of the two countries - Serbia and Russia.