Renovated NIS Museum Opens for Night of Museums

May 21, 2016

NIS organized the opening ceremony for its renovated museum in Novi Sad with the exhibition "From Fossils to Cars" Through an educative and interactive exhibition, visitors had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the origin of oil and see the whole process of its production and refining, and also the way petroleum products travel to petrol stations and end users. Furthermore, visitors of the NIS museum could participate in experiments and hear the experience of older oil workers. The subject of the NIS Museum's permanent exhibition is "Future at Work" and it consists of three narrative units: past, present and future. The Company's development is presented through the testimonies of former and present employees and through their adventures, experience and memories. Through an educative and interactive exhibition, visitors had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the origin of oil and see the whole process of its production and refining, and also the way petroleum products travel to petrol stations and end users The Museum showcases items of great value providing all visitors with the opportunity to learn more about first wells, beginnings of oil and gas exploration and refining. Moreover, the museum exhibits the history of petrol station development in these areas, while the exhibition presents the story about the development of the post-war Yugoslavia and one of the most important industries in the country - energetics. The museum exhibits the history of petrol station development in these areas, while the exhibition presents the story about the development of the post-war Yugoslavia and one of the most important industries in the country - energetics "NIS Museum is more than a simple collection of exhibits - it represents a testimony about the development of energetics in these areas, and also about the origin of a new profession - oil worker. For us, NIS employees, it has a sentimental value, and for our community, it is of historical significance. The name of the exhibition "Future at Work" is at the same time our corporate slogan. With it we wish to proclaim that, as a socially responsible company, we will continue to invest into our community and society, but also in the tradition, preservation of heritage and promotion of new values", said Sanja Lubardić, Director of Public Relations and Communications, on the occasion of the Museum opening. For six consecutive years, NIS has participated in the cultural event "Night of Museums". The Company thus wants to familiarize the public with its tradition and values and the industry which has had a considerable impact on the country's development.