Sberbank and Telenor new partners of NIS and IDEA in the Super card program

November 12, 2013

NIS Company and IDEA, partners in the intercompany loyalty program called "Super Card", signed the Memorandum of Cooperation with new partners, Sberbank and Telenor today.

Valeriy Ovsyanikov, Kirill Kravchenko, Ivan Todorić and Ove Fredheim   The Memorandum was signed by Kirill Kravchenko, NIS Chief Executive Officer, Ivan Todorić, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Agrokor, Valeriy Ovsyanikov, Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank, and Ove Fredheim, Chief Executive Officer of Telenor Serbia. As a result of cooperation of these four companies, customers in Serbia and very soon customers in the region, will be able to enjoy numerous benefits offered by the unique "Super Card" rewarding program. Sberbank as the largest Russian bank with over 100 million of clients and over 18 thousand of branch offices, aspires to get closer to its clients and customize its services in a flexible manner, in line with current demand of its clients, as to ensure that they are served immediately, efficiently, providing a wide array of interesting products meeting the current client demands. This program will offer special products and services for all Super Card users. Now that Telenor as a mobile operator with a large customer base has joined the program, all basic areas of customer needs have been covered by the program. Almost one million of Super Cards issued in only five months after launching prove that customers have accepted this program. At this moment, more than 500 retail stores and more than 200 settlements are covered by the program and more than ten million transactions have been effected using the "Super Card" to-date. Founders of the Super kartica programe: NIS and IDEA   As the two companies, NIS and IDEA, promised when the program was launched in May, customers will be provided with new benefits for each transaction by new partners joining the program. Collecting the points and the possibility of making additional savings are the greatest advantages of this program. "Super Card" is the first loyalty program of this type and coverage. Owing to a centralized system, all the companies have the opportunity to learn better about their customers' habits and behaviour, in order to create offers in line with the customers' individual needs, providing reward for their loyalty at the same time.