Session of NIS Board of Directors Held

May 14, 2018

This draft decision regarding distribution of dividends to shareholders anticipates payment of RSD 6,948,033,644 i.e., 25% of the company’s net profit from 2017. The net profit of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad for 2017 amounted to RSD 27,790,460,000. The Board of Directors also approved of the Annual Report of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad for 2017, and penned a draft decision of the Shareholders’ Assembly of NIS regarding adoption of this report. In addition, the Report made by Independent auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers on the completed audit of Annual Report of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad for 2017 was deliberated and the draft decision of the Shareholders’ Assembly of NIS regarding adoption of the said report was also penned.