“Tanasko Rajić” Primary School Got Volleyball Court with the Support of NIS

September 24, 2015

The objective of constructing the court is to complement the sport facilities and allow children to play sports in open space. NIS has supported this project as a part of the competition “Together for the Community” with a view to promoting sports and physical activities among young people. “Tanasko Rajić” Primary School Got Volleyball Court with the Support of NIS The construction of the volleyball court allowed the pupils of the “Tanasko Rajić” Primary School, members of the “Morava” Association, athletes of the Special Olympics, young people from the local community, recreation enthusiasts and students of other schools to spend their free time better and healthier by engaging in sport activities. NIS uses its “Together for the Community” programme to render support to communities, where it operates. All the projects selected at the public competition contribute to development of local communities, facilitate operation of numerous institutions and improve functioning of cultural, educational and sport institutions.