The NIS Board of Directors Adopted the Draft Decision of the Shareholders’ Assembly on Profit Distribution

April 2, 2013

At the Board of Directors session held earlier today, NIS adopted the draft Decision of the Company’s Shareholders’ Assembly on profit distribution for 2012, dividend payment and determination of the total amount of the Company’s retained earnings. The draft Decision stipulates the dividend payment in the amount of 25% of the profit generated in 2012 which is 10 percept higher than the minimum percentage agreed under the NIS Share Purchase Agreement and the corporate Dividend Policy. All shareholders registered in the Central Securities Registry, Depository and Clearing House shall be entitled to dividend payment, on the date of drafting the list of shareholders who are entitled to attend the fifth regular session of the Shareholders’ Assembly (the tenth day before the session). The shareholders shall be notified on the adoption of the Shareholders’ Assembly’s decision and the date of the dividend payment on due time. The NIS Shareholders’ Assembly session shall be held before the end of June this year. In addition to the draft Decision on Profit Distribution, the Board of Directors adopted the NIS Annual Report for 2012. Mr. Vladim Yakovlev, the Chairman of the NIS Board of Directors stated: “We have managed to make a balanced solution. By providing a stable income for all shareholders of the Company, which is of an utmost importance at this time of volatile economy, we continue with the implementation of the adopted investment program that will certainly contribute to an increase of the Company’s value, including further increase of value of shares both for majority and minority shareholders.