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Daily newspaper "Danas" As part of the program "NIS Chance", NIS hired 78 young people with university and secondary education, announced the company. The "NIS Chance" program, within which employment contracts were signed, is aimed at hiring young, talented candidates who have completed secondary school or university. 54 candidates with university degrees, mostly from the Faculties of Mining and Geology, Economics, Technology and Technology and Metallurgy and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences got the opportunity to become a part of NIS's team for a year. In addition, 24 candidates with secondary school education got an opportunity to work for NIS within the “NIS Chance” program. The same as in previous years, within the framework of implementation of the "NIS Chance" program, the company once again collaborated with local administrations, the National Employment Service, faculties and secondary schools, and thus chose the best candidates who will work in Novi Sad, Belgrade, Pancevo, Zrenjanin, Kikinda and other towns where NIS has its business capacities.