XIX International “Rajko Žižić” Biddy Basketball Festival begins with NIS’s support

January 17, 2019

The festival, which is named after our celebrated basketball player, takes place under the organization of the Serbian Biddy Basketball Union, which, in turn, is overseen by the Basketball Association of Serbia, with NIS acting as general sponsor of the event. This four-day competition will involve more than 200 teams and more than 2500 boys and girls from Serbia and the region, split into four age categories. In addition to five Biddy Basketball courts, the youngest basketball players will also have the chance to play on an artificial grass court specifically designated for Biddy Basketball, as well as on a 3x3 Biddy Basketball court.Over the course of the festival, workshops titled “From Biddy Basketball to Basketball” will be held for coaches, as well as lectures for those working with the youngest age categories and Biddy Basketball playrooms. The Red Cross of Serbia and UNITAS, an organization involved in the fight against trafficking in people and children, will also hold workshops throughout the course of the Festival. This event does not seek to promote winning, but instead friendships, a positive sporting outlook, and fair play. All participants will receive medals, and the teams will all be given trophies. The opening ceremony takes place on Saturday, 19 January at noon. Over the years, NIS has sponsored the Basketball Association of Serbia, and it is in this capacity that, for eight consecutive years it has facilitated the organization of Biddy Basketball tournaments across our country. Pursuant to its corporate motto “Future in Action”, NIS continues to invest in the development of sport and young talent, and promotes the healthy lifestyles and attitudes to team spirit amongst the youth.