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All the participants in international Olympic Games in mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy and Russian language departed for the first NIS camp in Bečići seaside resort tonight. They will stay ten days there and have the opportunity to rest and recharge their batteries. The first NIS camp will host more than 120 participants in NIS Olympic Games in knowledge in physics, maths and the Russian language as well as the Serbian Olympic team in chemistry and five most successful high school students, holders of the Ministry of Youth and Sports’ scholarships. Ten teachers and visiting lecturers from Russia, as well as NIS experts will deliver lectures in mathematics and physics to participants on a daily basis. Let us list some of them: Mr. Ivаn Dojčinović, Chairman of the Serbian Society of Physicists, Teodor fon Burg, Cambridge student and winner of four gold medals, Mr. Miljаn Knežević, PhD, Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, Mr. Makuho Dmitry Mihailovich, NTC Gazprom Neft Engineer. The participants will have the opportunity to master their knowledge of Russian language and familiarize with the Russian culture. Apart from the curriculum, the participants will be engaged in daily sport and recreational and entertainment activities organized and supervised by the students of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education from Novi Sad. NIS camp is a part of the NIS project "Energy of Knowledge" which includes the cooperation with universities and other research institutions for the purposes of educating highly qualified personnel to be engaged by NIS. Within this project NIS has sponsored the Serbian Olympic teams in mathematics, physics and chemistry at the International Olympic Games in Denmark, Russia and Colombia, where they the Serbian participants have won 12 medals - one gold, four silver and seven bronze medals