REACH is the European law (EC 1907/2006) enacted in June 2007 which regulates the registration, evaluation, assessment, authorization and restriction of chemicals.

As a socially responsible company, NIS has proactively responded to the introduction of the REACH legislation and pre-registration procedure, and has consistently introduced and implemented all measures prescribed by the EU and ECHA in order to protect human health and the environment from hazards that may arise as the result of the use of chemical products.

REACH is the European law (EC 1907/2006) enacted in June 2007 which regulates the registration, evaluation, assessment, authorization and restriction of chemicals.

As a socially responsible company, NIS has proactively responded to the introduction of the REACH legislation and pre-registration procedure, and has consistently introduced and implemented all measures prescribed by the EU and ECHA in order to protect human health and the environment from hazards that may arise as the result of the use of chemical products.

This regulation replaced numerous rulebooks which related to the existing substances and also regulated the method of registration of new substances and prescribed the restriction of substances which pose a risk or high risk to people, wildlife, and/or the environment.

All substances produced within or imported to the European Union in quantities exceeding one ton per year must be registered with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) by a certain deadline, which is established depending on the quantity of chemicals.

Communication from suppliers to consumers requires that manufacturers and importers should provide information on the use of their products in a manner which is safe for human health and the environment, and the main instrument for this is the Safety Data Sheet – SDS.

The initial responsibility for the preparation and contents of the Safety Data Sheet lies with a manufacturer or importer responsible for the initial marketing of the product. Suppliers are obliged to provide a Safety Data Sheet in the Serbian language, free of charge, either in paper or electronic form, to all other distributors or users in the supply chain. For the purposes of export, suppliers are obliged to provide an SDS in either English or the language of the buyer’s country.

The ‘supplier’ is defines as a legal person or entrepreneur who is a manufacturer, importer, distributor or further user, and who markets the chemicals.

NIS is pleased to inform its customers and suppliers that all REACH obligations have been fulfilled within the set deadlines, and that the European Chemical Agency has adopted a positive decision on the registration of substances produced by NIS. This allows further undisturbed marketing and sale of the company’s products to the European Union market.