Business News

NIS gathered the contractors with the aim to improve safety at work

’HSE Forum 2019’ was held today in NIS Business Centre in Novi Sad. This is a traditional gathering, held for the eleventh time, and it is dedicated to raising awareness on safety in all the Company’s locations and to joint efforts to apply HSE rules in practise.

30 October 2019

The event was held under the slogan ‘Safe Steps Towards the Future’ and it gathered numerous companies hired by NIS as contractors.

In his opening speech, Genadij LjubinFirst Deputy General Manager and Head of Exploration and Production Block, pointed out:

‘HSE is not just a collection of rules, set of standards and instructions, it is a philosophy of life and the business culture of our Company. The Company’s main resource are people, safety and health of employees, while our priority is to achieve efficient results with safe execution of works. Gazprom Neft has set an important strategic goal – ‘Target Zero’, meaning zero incidents, zero workplace injuries and occupational illnesses; this is the goal that we from NIS are also approaching by taking safe steps. By taking the leading position in the field of safety issues, we assume the responsibility to assist our partners in developing the culture of safety.’

This year, NIS presented a program called ‘Stairs’ which enables the division of responsibilities and roles in a simple way with the aim of improving safety in the process of managing the contractors. The steps which make the management process easier and more understandable are clearly defined within the programme and they depict the division of responsibilities through the entire process. The methodology consists of four stages – prequalification, procedure of procurement and selection of supplier, contract signing, and control and evaluation of their work and motivation.

Ulrich Peball, HSE Director, said that the implementation of the Stairs programme was extremely significant in order to improve the processes of contractors’ management:

‘Clear defining of roles and responsibilities and proper communication between all the participants in the process are very important when we talk about successful management of HSE risks. The panel discussion, with participation of contractor companies, identified that NIS had standard requirements for its contractor companies, just as other international oil companies.  NIS is continuously involved in improving HSE culture, and the Stairs programme is one of the mechanisms to reduce the risks and make business safe’, Peball pointed out.

Representatives of companies Energotehna, Schlumbereg, NRG Trans, PDV Inženjering and NIS participated in the following panel discussion, dedicated to exchange of experiences in the field of safety at work.

‘HSE Forum 2019’ was a meeting point for NIS, its business partners and contractors, where the participants were engaged in developing a common philosophy for risk management. By organizing this type of event, NIS continues to confirm its position as modern, socially responsible company, which constantly works to improve safety and health at work.