Business News

Regular overhaul of the Pančevo Refinery kicks off


In the Pančevo Refinery in the period between February 29 and April 17, a planned overhaul and investment works will be carried out on most of the process plants, aimed at the improvement of production processes, as well as increase the reliability of plant operation in the processing complex of NIS. It is the largest overhaul in terms of scope and complexity in the history of the Pančevo Refinery, and the value of the works and investment in development is estimated at 95 million euros.

This turnaround maintenance process shall carry out more than 10 investment projects, as well as a significant number of investment maintenance projects. Overhaul activities include inspection and testing of pressure equipment, which is provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Serbia. All activities will be carried out in accordance with strict environmental standards and occupational health and safety rules. During the shutdown of the plant, the market will be properly supplied with all types of oil derivatives, thanks to the increase in the volume of production in the previous months, which ensured sufficient stocks for the duration of the overhaul.

In addition to the employees of the refinery, more than 2,000 external contractors will be engaged in the works. During the course of the overhaul, activities will be carried out that include the execution of requirements in the field of occupational safety and health and environmental protection, as well as requirements for the replacement and regeneration of the catalyst. The investment works will enable the improvement of the reliability of the plant for the production of gasoline components and gases (FCC), as well as the improvement of industrial safety and energy efficiency at several plants in the Pančevo Oil Refinery.

“Investment projects that are included in the planned capital overhaul should enable the renewal of the Pančevo refinery’s resources and their more reliable operation. Furthermore, these activities will contribute to the further improvement of the production process and environmental protection, which is one of the strategic priorities of the NIS Company. This overhaul is the most complex considering the modernization and increase in the number of production facilities during the previous years. With additional investments, we are improving and developing our production capacities, thereby strengthening our competitiveness and leadership position on the oil products market,” said Vladimir Gagić, Director of the Refining Block at the NIS Company.


Milentija Popovića 1
11070 Beograd