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Stability in the domestic market preserved, new hope for Community Development provided
01.06.2023.NIS published Sustainable Development Report for 2022, during which it continued to provide a strong contribution to the basic principles of sustainable development: economic progress, human resources development, environmental protection, and community support.
In the field of sustainable development, NIS is guided by the global goals of the United Nations, and, in the Report, NIS recognizes 12 out of 17 goals to the achievement of which it contributes through its activities. NIS is a pioneer in Serbia in reporting according to the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), a leading organisation in the world in the field of sustainable business, bearing in mind that this is the 13th consecutive verified NIS Report. With the recently published Report, verified by TPA Revizija d.o.o., an independent audit firm, the company cherishes the tradition of presenting information to all stakeholders in a transparent and comprehensive manner regarding the contribution to the achievement of the goals of sustainable development, the strategic goals of the company, as well as the commitments and results of NIS.
The Report states, among other things, that in the challenging 2022, NIS priorities were the regular supply of the market with petroleum products and the preservation of the social stability of its employees, and that both goals were successfully achieved. Thus, in the Pančevo Oil Refinery, 4.42 million tonnes of crude oil and semi-finished products were refined, which is the best achievement since 2009. NIS also managed to respond to increased market demand, so the total volume of petroleum products sales in 2022 is 4.36 million tonnes, which is 8 percent more than the result achieved a year before. In addition, CCPP Pančevo was put into operation, and the generated electricity was sent exclusively to the domestic electricity system in order to contribute to stability in the supply of domestic consumers with electricity. Last year, NIS invested RSD 22.1 billion in development projects, which is 9 percent more than capital investments in 2021.
NIS also invested its good business and financial results in the progress of the community. In 2022, RSD 360 million were invested in socially responsible projects and support for professional sports, and the focus was on the campaign “May New Hopes be Born”, by which the company joined an important national goal – improvements in the field of reproductive health and an increase in the birth rate. The campaign was conducted at the national level because it provided support to 40 health institutions in more than 30 municipalities and cities across Serbia.
Naša dostignuća u 2022. godini u oblasti društvene odgovornosti i održivog poslovanja
See moreOn the occasion of this campaign, in the Foreword of the Sustainable Development Report, Mr Kirill Tjurdenjev, CEO of NIS, stated the following:
“I would like to point out that 2022 was also exceptionally important for strengthening our partnership with the community. We had the honour to be part of a campaign that is essential for the future of the country: we supported healthcare institutions through the procurement of modern medical equipment, which will contribute to improvements in the field of reproductive health and the noblest goal – increase in the birth rate and our new hopes being born.”
In the TalentX survey, conducted by Poslovi.Infostud, a group of employment websites with about 11,000 respondents, NIS was re-elected as the most desirable employer. In 2022, the company received another important recognition – the “Employer Partner” certificate, which SELECTIO Consulting awards to organizations that achieve the highest quality standards in the field of human resources management. NIS continued to give young people a chance – new seasons of student internship programmes called “NIS Calling” were successfully organized, as well as the “NIS Energy” programme, which provides an opportunity for master and graduate students of selected faculties to improve their knowledge and get a job at NIS.
In 2022, in cooperation with external providers, NIS organized 3,407 training courses, which were attended by 9,961 participants, and NIS continued with constant training of its employees.
NIS made a strong contribution to environmental protection and in 2022 invested almost RSD 315 million in environmental projects. The focus was on occupational safety and health. For the second year in a row, NIS received the highest domestic award in the field of occupational safety and health, the “28 April” Charter, awarded by the Directorate for Occupational Safety and Health of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran, and Social Affairs.
“I believe that we can rightly say that in 2022 we successfully responded to all challenges and jointly made efforts to ensure the long-term sustainable development of NIS. But sustainability requires daily work and a great commitment from all our employees. Therefore, the Sustainable Development Report for 2022 is not only an overview of what we achieved last year but also a kind of plan of what else we need to do in order to meet the goals of our Development Strategy and create new values for all employees, shareholders and the wider community,” stated Mr Kirill Tyurdenev, CEO of NIS, in the Foreword of the Sustainable Development Report for 2022.