Our people

Our colleague - the fastest Serbian female runner in New York

Author: Milena Šćepanović, Photo: private archive of Biljana Marković 02.03.2020 • 5 min

A large number of employees in our company are talented and enjoy hobbies in which they achieve excellent results. One of them is Biljana Marković, legal affairs coordinator in Legal and Corporate Affairs, who has been a runner for almost twenty years now.

Even though I took up this sport when I was very young, I began running marathons only a few years ago. My wish is to participate in the six largest marathons in the world: in New York, Chicago, London, Berlin, Tokyo and Boston. I have already run two of them, Chicago and New York, and I plan to run the remaining ones in the next two years

Biljana Marković
Biljana Marković
legal affairs coordinator in Legal and Corporate Affairs

According to her, the most important result she achieved as an athlete was the one from the marathon in the Big Apple – she finished a 42-kilometre race in 3 hours and 32 minutes! With this result, our Biljana was the fastest Serbian female runner on the New York marathon, and simultaneously qualified for participation in the Boston Marathon!

Right now, she is focused on the preparations for the marathon in London which she will run on 26 April this year, and she has great hopes for it.

– I hope that my result in England will be better than the one I achieved in the US. I am currently the 14th female runner in Serbia and my wish is to get in the top 10 after London – Biljana explained. After London, she will continue her “raid” on the six Marathon Majors in the autumn in Berlin, then in spring 2021 in Boston, and conclude it by participating in the Tokyo marathon in 2022.

Such ambitious goals require certain preparations, and our colleague runs 80 kilometres per week, which is six training sessions in one week. Additionally, she has three strength training workouts per week. She also has a strict sleep and diet regime.

– Recently, I’ve taken up swimming as well, because I plan to participate in triathlons after these marathons. Of course, all of this requires great sacrifices on my part and it can be really difficult to stick to such a regime. However, I have never thought about giving up. Hard work and dedication always pay off in the end – our colleague explained.

We hope that we will have more reason to write in our corporate media about Biljana’s triumphs, and that our colleague will celebrate more victories. We are waiting for her return from London!