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Protecting, restoring and promoting the sustainable use of Earth’ ecosystems, protect forests, combat desertification, reverse land degradation, and stop the loss of biodiversity.
Given that environmental protection is a strategic priority for the company, NIS continuously improves environmental performance indicators in its processes. The company aims to apply best available practices in investment projects, while actively contributing to the development and enhancement of environmental awareness among employees and the broader community through continuous education and the implementation of volunteer actions.
During 2023, the implementation of initiatives and projects continued with the aim to improve the situation on the field, fulfil the regulatory requirements and promote environmental protection.
In order to further accelerate and promote recycling in company retail outlets, during October 2023, in collaboration with an external operator for packaging waste management, a competition was organised for the collection of packaging waste (paper and plastic waste) in filling stations and retail outlets that regularly sort packaging waste. The competition finished successfully and the total of 5,027 kg packaging waste was collected at retail facilities. Operators “Ekostapark” and Kappa Star Recycling” prepared awards for the stations that collected the highest volume of waste, and those were: Filling stations Sokolići 1, Zaječar 5, Sremska Mitrovica 1, Kostolac, to which the company has awarded valuable prizes.’
When it comes to the Pančevo Oil Refinery, the past year was marked by preparations for a turnaround, which took place during March and April 2024. This turnaround was the largest in the history of the Refinery in terms of scope and complexity, due to upgrade and increase in the number of production units.
During 2023 Pančevo Oil Refinery obtained a new water permit from the competent state authority. The refinery has also completed all preparations for obtaining a new integrated IPPC permit, which represents and integrated approach to pollution control. Let us recall that the Pančevo Oil Refinery is the first energy plant in the Republic of Serbia to receive an integrated IPPC permit, back in 2017. The need for a new permit arose when the “Bottom of the Barrel” plant construction project was implemented, as a result of which Pančevo Oil Refinery submitted a request to the competent provincial authority for the issuance of a new integrated IPPC permit in September 2022, and the year 2023 was marked by contacts and Pančevo Oil Refinery’s cooperation with representatives competent state authorities in order to obtain it. The new integrated IPPC permit will serve as proof of justification for continuing investments in environmental projects and improvements to facilities and processes at the Pančevo Oil Refinery. This is aimed at meeting the requirements of all environmental protection standards in our country.
All results from periodic and continuous independent measurements of air pollutant emissions are in accordance with emission limit values (ELVs). The Fuel Consumption Plan continues to be strictly adhered to, resulting in the cessation of oil use for heating and the maximization of natural gas and gas produced and refined internally in the production process. Investments in the refinery continue to focus on expanding storage capacity, installing state-of-the-art burners on furnaces, energy efficiency projects, and initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Members of the NIS Volunteers Club traditionally participate in environmental campaigns. On the occasion of World Environment Day 2023, NIS volunteers participated in a campaign to clean up and maintain the National Park “Fruška Gora” under the slogan “Working Day for Nature.” The campaign was organised in partnership with the Provincial Institute for Nature Conservation, the Provincial Secretariat for Urbanism and Environmental Protection, and the host of the campaign – “Fruška Gora” National Park. This campaign, which involved nearly 200 volunteers, including a volunteer team from the office of the President of the Provincial Government, not only resulted in the removal of large quantitates of waste, but also emphasised the importance of developing environmental awareness and responsible behaviour towards the environment.
After the severe super-cell storms during the summer months of 2023 caused significant damage to green areas in Novi Sad, NIS reached out to the city authorities to offer support in the restoration of Liman Park. This initiative reflects NIS’s commitment as a responsible community member, especially given the park’s proximity to the company’s business centre. With that objective in mind, the Company supported the city greening project implemented under the name “Planting Now for the Future of Novi Sad,” with a donation of five million dinars aimed at revitalising and rehabilitating Liman Park. The revitalisation project of Liman Park, spanning nearly 13 hectares, involved planting 145 trees of plant species recommended by the Expert Team for the restoration of damage to public green areas in the territory of the City of Novi Sad. The planting action was implemented in partnership with the city administration of Novi Sad and the environmental association “Zeleni Sad,” with active contributions from members of the NIS Volunteers Club, which, with the expert assistance of employees from the Public Utility Company “Gradsko Zelenilo” (City Greenery) and with the participation of volunteers from other socially responsible companies, planted a large number of trees. Preservation and enrichment of Limanski Park through planting new trees is not just a matter of aesthetics; it concerns the overall quality of life, biodiversity, and sustainability of the local community. Therefore, its revitalisation was a priority following last year’s severe weather events in the Vojvodina region.