
With the support of NIS, the Maternity Ward of the General Hospital Pančevo was equipped


NIS continues its support to healthcare institutions in our country by procuring modern medical equipment for the needs of the General Hospital in Pančevo worth 15 million dinars. This project was implemented as part of NIS’s corporate social responsibility programme “Together for the Community”, and the hospital in Pančevo received a new ultrasound and CTG machine, as well as a delivery table. This advancement significantly improves the diagnostics and quality of healthcare services for all patients from Pančevo and its surrounding. The acquisition of this equipment is very important since around 1,500 babies are born annually in the Maternity Ward in Pančevo, from the entire South Banat region.

On the occasion of the purchase of new equipment, the General Hospital in Pančevo was visited by Aleksandar Stevanović, the Mayor of Pančevo, and Svetozar Eremić, a NIS’ representative, accompanied by Dr. Slobadan Ovuka, the Director of the General Hospital Pančevo.

“As part of the ‘Together for the Community’ programme, next year, we will implement projects in the field of education that are equally important as this one. However, I would single out this project in particular, as the birth of our children is the most important, and this is the best project we have implemented so far. Nothing could have been achieved without our General Hospital, which defined what needed to be improved, and we thank them for that. I am confident that in this team we will continue to implement projects of general importance for the citizens of Pančevo,” said Aleksandar Stevanović, the Mayor of Pančevo.

Svetozar Eremić, the Lead Engineer for Reliability and OMS in the Refining Block, emphasised that the partnership between the City of Pančevo and NIS will continue in the future, to the mutual satisfaction and primarily for the benefit of the citizens of Pančevo.

“NIS is dedicated to the idea that children born in the General Hospital in Pančevo represent the heart of the future of our community. That’s why we are proud and grateful to have had the opportunity to support the procurement of equipment that will contribute to the improvement of diagnostics and working conditions in the hospital, with the desire to have as many children born in the coming period,” Eremić said.

Dr. Slobodan Ovuka, the Director of the General Hospital Pančevo, thanked NIS and the city of Pančevo for the support in purchasing necessary equipment for better and higher-quality work in the maternity ward, where as many as 1,400 new residents of Pančevo and the South Banat region are born.

“We all know how much NIS generally invests in our community. This project is special in that, thanks to such equipment, we monitor the baby’s life while still in the mother’s womb, and such equipment allows us to timely detect certain fetal anomalies and respond accordingly. So we thank once again for making it possible for us to purchase this highly sophisticated equipment,” Ovuka said.

Continuous investment in the community is one of NIS’ priorities. “Together for the Community”, the largest corporate social responsibility programme in our country, celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. It is implemented in 13 cities and municipalities throughout Serbia, where NIS conducts the majority of its business activities. So far, more than 1,000 projects have been implemented through this project, in which NIS has invested almost 1.6 billion dinars. The city of Pančevo has been participating in the “Together for the Community” programme since its inception and 153 projects have been jointly implemented so far, with a total value of 212 million dinars.

This year, NIS will invest 144.5 million dinars within the “Together for the Community” programme to improve the educational process and infrastructure of primary and secondary school facilities. Part of the funds will also be directed towards the improvement of research and innovation capacities and infrastructure of scientific and research organisations and science and technology parks. More information about this year’s competition can be found on the NIS’ website at the following link:


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