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Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.
Preserving the position of one of the most desirable employers in Serbia and commitment to further strengthening employee satisfaction were a significant part of NIS’ priorities in the area of human resources management also during 2023. The company continued monitoring trends in the labour market and adapting to the expectation of employees and the needs of the business. Taking into account the challenging circumstances globally, we paid attention to retaining stability of NIS, as one of the largest employers in the country, then implementing programs aimed at attracting and developing young professionals, new models motivation, learning and fostering the culture of respect in the company.
The long-term goal of NIS is to improve HR practices, which will further increase employee commitment and provide them with the best possible work experience. In line with this goal, as well as with the results of the latest survey of employee commitment and the company’s strategic plans, the implementation of various programs and activities continued, including the “Commitment Academy”, which is focused on the development of new leaders in the company.
NIS Company’s HR strategy, corporate values, initiative, diversity and inclusion, the employer brand development strategy and training and development strategy were reflected in a wide range of projects and initiatives, implementation of which will improve the candidates’ and employees’ experience in the following areas:
NIS has provided its employees with numerous material and non-material benefits, including various models of flexible work arrangements, such as: work from home, phased return from maternity leave, accumulation and use of overtime hours within a “time bank,” working at employer’s offices near the employee’s residence if their workplace is in another city. Additionally, for 12 specifically sensitive categories of employees, there are special opportunities for remote work. These and numerous other benefits available to employees aim to establish a better balance between personal and professional obligations and enhance employee satisfaction and efficiency.
During the past year, employees have received professional knowledge transfer from leading global companies in education such as Apave Mare, Yokogawa, COTRUGLI Business School, Tomsk University, Siemens, Petroskills, Skolkovo, as well as from top domestic companies and educational institutions: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Belgrade, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Techpro, Institute of Public Health, SKF, Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš, Project Management Serbia, GI Group, AIM Institute, Standcert, Omega Consulting, HR Centre, and many others.
In 2023, incessant education of employees continued and cooperation with external providers, 4289 trainings were organised with 12936 participants, including 4031 employees*. The total training hours amounted to 104,038 and is total cost to RSD 273.2 million. In cooperation with internal trainers 2,449 internal trainings were organised, which were attended by 9,435 participants, of which 4,182 were employees. The total internal training hours amounted to 49,039.
NIS Company pays special attention to the development of programs for young people, and thus in 2023 it continued the tradition of implementing programs for the most talented students, graduates and high school graduates. In this year, the seventh season of the “NIS Calling” program was implemented for 35 interns, and the second season of internships for young operators began with 22 high school graduates joining the company at the Oil Refinery in Pančevo. The third season of the “NIS Energy” program was organised for 25 young graduates, and a recruitment campaign and selection process were conducted for the fourth season of this program. Following this, 22 selected participants began working at the company in January 2024. A special program for young programmers, “NIS Calling – Robotics,” was created and implemented. Out of 250 candidates, 6 participants were selected, who independently created and launched 7 robots by the end of the program.
In a survey of young people’s opinions on the labour market in Serbia conducted by the student organisation AIESEC called “Voice of Youth Serbia,” NIS was recognised as one of the top three most desirable employers for young people. The survey involved over 6,000 young people from all over the country.
*The number of employees is unique, while the number of participants is larger because one employee can attend multiple training sessions when there is a need for it.
“The past year was marked by the implementation of various successful HR projects with the community, such as:
Through these projects, the company had the opportunity to transparently communicate and present NIS as an employer to an audience of over 10,000 participants.
By setting ambitious goals, positioning itself as an employer in the job market, and continually improving the candidate experience throughout the recruitment and selection process, as well as for its employees, NIS achieves results that position it among the best. Its good practices serve as an example to other companies.